
Becoming Big: Shirley Showalter

June 08, 2021 Season 1 Episode 8

After serving for many years as the president of Goshen College, Shirley Showalter has written an engaging memoir about growing up in a Mennonite community and her efforts to negotiate the lures of the “glittering world.” In this conversation, she shares how she came to write Blush, describes what that process taught her about narrative and story, and reflects on the ambiguities of humility and pride. With a forthcoming book (co-written with Marilyn McEntyre) about grandparenting and becoming an elder, Shirley has much to offer about life’s transitions, including the importance of daily habits of reflection. She encourages us to be wary of pre-fabricated advice from others: “Your vocation to yourself and to your own spirit is your highest vocation.”